Mein cooler Onkel Charlie
Two and a Half MenEpisoden Guide
Staffel 1
Stur, zwanghaft und unflexibel | Pilot | |||||
Der Sockengolf-Champion | Big Flappy Bastards | |||||
War das Beethoven? | Go East on Sunset Until You Reach the Gates of Hell | |||||
Ich brauche Berta | If I Can't Write My Chocolate Song, I'm Going to Take a Nap | |||||
Der Mittwochs-Mann | The Last Thing You Want to Do Is Wind Up with a Hump | |||||
Gib Dir keine Mühe, Charlie | Did You Check with the Captain of the Flying Monkeys? | |||||
Ich verstehe | If They Don't Go Either Way They're Usually Fake | |||||
Die Industrielle-Revolutions-Show | Twenty-five Little Pre-pubers Without a Snoot-ful | |||||
Phase eins, erfolgreich | Phase One, Complete | |||||
Der Truthahn und die Männlichkeit | Merry Thanksgiving | |||||
Bereit für die Grossaufnahme | Alan Harper, Frontier Chiropractor | |||||
Ich kümmere mich um Prudence | Camel Filters and Pheremones | |||||
Im Bett mit Angina | Sara Like Puny Alan | |||||
Ich kann mir keine Hyänen leisten | I Can't Afford Hyennas | |||||
Wer kriegt die Verrückte? 1of2 | Round One to the Hot Crazy Chick 1of2 | |||||
Wer kriegt die Verrückte? 2of2 | That Was Saliva, Alan 2of2 | |||||
Hamburger und Mützen | Ate the Hamburgers, Wearing the Hats | |||||
Alte Flamme mit neuem Docht | An Old Flame with a New Wick | |||||
Die Garderobenfrau | I Remember the Coatroom, I Just Don't Remember You | |||||
Ich kann im Dunkeln pinkeln | Hey, I Can Pee Outside in the Dark | |||||
Fragen Sie Ihren Bruder | No Sniffing, No Wowing | |||||
Wollmäuse und Kuhpuppen | My Doctor Has a Cow Puppet | |||||
Wie die Büffel | Just Like Buffalo | |||||
Spüren Sie meinen Finger? | Can You Feel My Finger? |