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Nash Bridges

Der Attentäter

Starring / Hauptdarsteller Don Johnson Nash Bridges
Starring / Hauptdarsteller Cheech Marin Joe Dominguez
Starring / Hauptdarsteller James Gammon Nick Bridges
Starring / Hauptdarsteller Jaimé P. Gomez Evan Cortez
Starring / Hauptdarsteller Mary Mara Bryn Carson
Starring / Hauptdarsteller Jodi Lyn O'Keefe Cassidy Bridges
Starring / Hauptdarsteller Jeff Perry Harvey Leek
Starring / Hauptdarsteller Annette O'Toole Lisa Bridges
Created by Created by Carlton Cuse
Special Guest Star Tracey Walter Angel
Guest Starring / Gastrolle Shaun Toub Cecil
Guest Starring / Gastrolle Caroline Lagerfelt Inger Dominguez
Guest Starring / Gastrolle Kirk B.R. Woller
Special Appearance Donna Pescow
Guest Starring / Gastrolle Kate Vernon Whitney Thomas
Musik Music by Eddie Jobson
Schnitt (Editer) Edited by Barry Leirer
Szenenbild (Productions-Design) Production Designer Nicholas Preovolos
Kamera (Cinemategraphy / Director of Photography) Director of Photography Stephen Lighthill
Berater (Consultant) Creative Consultant Pam Veasey
Produzent Coordinating Producer Bruce L. Shurley
Produzent Co-Producer J. Cooke-Leonard
Produzent Producer Greg Beeman
Produzent & Fred Lyle
Produzent & Morgan Gendel
Produzent & Reed Steiner
Produzent Supervising Producer John Wirth
Produzent Co-Executive Producer Sheldon Pinchuk
Drehbuch-Author Written by John Wirth
Regisseur Directed by Greg Beeman